function pden = sw_pden(S,T,P,PR) % SW_PDEN Potential density %=========================================================================== % SW_PDEN $Id: sw_pden.m,v 1.1 2003/12/12 04:23:22 pen078 Exp $ % Copyright (C) CSIRO, Phil Morgan 1992. % % USAGE: pden = sw_pden(S,T,P,PR) % % DESCRIPTION: % Calculates potential density of water mass relative to the specified % reference pressure by pden = sw_dens(S,ptmp,PR). % % INPUT: (all must have same dimensions) % S = salinity [psu (PSS-78) ] % T = temperature [degree C (ITS-90)] % P = pressure [db] % PR = Reference pressure [db] % (P may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for S(mxn) ) % % OUTPUT: % pden = Potential denisty relative to the ref. pressure [kg/m^3] % % AUTHOR: Phil Morgan 1992/04/06, Lindsay Pender ( % % DISCLAIMER: % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. % See the file sw_copy.m for conditions of use and licence. % % REFERENCES: % A.E. Gill 1982. p.54 % "Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics" % Academic Press: New York. ISBN: 0-12-283522-0 %========================================================================= % Modifications % 03-12-12. Lindsay Pender, Converted to ITS-90. % CALLER: general purpose % CALLEE: sw_ptmp.m sw_dens.m %------------- % CHECK INPUTS %------------- if nargin ~= 4 error('sw_pden.m: Must pass 4 parameters ') end %if % LET sw_ptmp.m DO DIMENSION CHECKING %------ % BEGIN %------ ptmp = sw_ptmp(S,T,P,PR); pden = sw_dens(S,ptmp,PR); return %=========================================================================