EDDIES 2004, 2005 cruises CTD Fluorescence Notes 1) OC415-1 two fluorometers. ---------------------------------------- There were two CTD fluorometers during the OC415-1 cruise time. Fluorometer #1, Voltage 1 - did not work properly; Starting from station #24 new Fluorometer #2, Voltage 3 has been installed on CTD replacing the Seapoint turbidity meter. So, correct Fluorescens data in CTD data files is: # name 7 = upoly1: userpoly 1 Extrnl Volt 3 userpoly 1, flrtd-297, 6/27/05 and is available only starting from the station #24. Please see CTD data heders: Stations ## 1-23: # name 6 = upoly0: userpoly 0 Extrnl Volt 1 userpoly 0, afl013, 12/09/2002 # name 7 = seaTurbMtr0: seapoint turbidity meter [FTU] Extrnl Volt 3 seapoint turbidity meter, 1660 Stations ## 24-81: # name 6 = upoly0: userpoly 0 Extrnl Volt 1 userpoly 0, afl013, 12/09/2002 # name 7 = upoly1: userpoly 1 Extrnl Volt 3 userpoly 1, flrtd-297, 6/27/05 Note that 'bad' Fluorometer #1 has not been removed from CTD as well as the related data from CTD data files. 2) CTD Fluorescence data correction versus Bottles Chlorophyll plus Phaeopigments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OC404-1 and OC404-4 Fluorescence has been corrected opposite Bottles Chlorophyll plus Phaeopigments. OC415-1 and OC415-3 Fluorescence has not been corrected in processed data files and can be corrected by computing using Bottles Chlorophyll plus Phaeopigments data. Note that OC404-1 and OC404-4 Fluorescence profiles are kind of noisy and there are some surface outliers (~3-10 times of Bottle measurement, e.g. OC404-1 stations ## 2, 5, 12, 22, 23)